I’m so glad to have you here on my blog. My goal is to build an encouraging community where we can grow together into deeper relationships with the Lord, ourselves, and with each other. I hope you’ll join me.

Why the title?

Anchors connect ships to firm ground beneath them, keeping the vessel from drifting with the changing waters. A defining belief in God does much the same thing for us. When we capture a vision for why God created us and who we are in Him, we can drop anchor in that identity and ride out the waves of life.

With that foundation, we’re ready to go on to live our lives with the courage and vulnerability needed to connect with other people. We can learn to see other people through God’s eyes because we’re anchored in the identity He is helping us create for ourselves.

Personality type theory (specifically Myers-Briggs) is my favorite tool for understanding ourselves and other people. Since it describes how people’s minds work it gives us a framework for why others are different than us and how to relate to them, while also leaving space for the variety of individual experience. I find it an excellent companion for a journey of self-discovery and identity formation.

Who are you?

I’m Marissa Martin, a freelance writer, blogger, and the author of several books including LIke An Anchor Study Guides: The Beatitudes and The INFJ Handbook: A guide to and for the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type. You can learn more about my background by clicking here, and more about my faith by clicking here.

How can we get in touch?

Comment on any of my blog posts — I love hearing from readers! Sometimes the comments section becomes even more interesting than the post. But if you don’t want to post your comment in public, you can send a private message through the “Contact Me” link.

If you’re interested in guest posting on this blog or would like me to write a post for your website, click here.